Wednesday, November 25, 2009

1930, March 6: HMK to Rena Harrell- A Thank You

My dear Miss Harrell;

It is so difficult for me to find adequate words to express my gratitude for the beautiful things you have said about my little story and if it has brought so much enjoyment to you and to your friends, then my reward is already greater than I deserve.

Some years ago in Colombo in Penang I came in my wanderings upon a little Chinese temple whose altars were gay with little garments of colored paper and my priestly guide told me that it was a shrine for childless women. It was there that “The Smile of Buddha” was born.

You are right in your belief in the utter purity and devoutness of both my Chinese children and the absolute conviction of the little bride that what occurred was a miracle on the part of her divinity in answer to her prayers.

That you should have read my intent so clearly and that you should have found my method of expressing it worthy of such high praise is encouragement that is as priceless to me as it is unexpected.

I shall write now with even greater hope and try to live up to your expectations and I thank you and your friends on the faculty of Queen’s College, very, very deeply indeed.

I should like more than I can say to see a copy of the “Sceptre,” and do you know that Mr. Payne, the editor of The Review, is going to publish your letter to him?

Thanks again for your great kindness for as I said before it gives me new hope in a field in which I am as yet only a novice.

Yours gratefully,
HMK Smith

26 Greenwich Avenue
New York City.

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