Sunday, November 15, 2009

1930, June 18th: HMK to RH - A Gift

June 18, 1930.

My dear Miss Harrell,

Thanks for the book which in spite of an endorsement by Mr. Daniels does in the brief glance I have been able to give it, disclose some of the charms which you said that it had for you. I knew several just such ladies as are described so vividly in one chapter, some even more interesting about which I may write later myself. Thanks again.

I know you will be honestly glad for me when you hear that the [North American] Review has bought my "Silver Lotus" and that it will appear in the August issue. And to celebrate that and as a tiny token of my appreciation of your encouragement I am sending you something that I have treasured for many years. It is a tiny "sake" cup given me in Japan by a "Hangyoku," a child dancer in a geisha house who is the heroine of my story although it is not of course the real story of her life. It was in the New Year season and she drank my health from it and I have used it since as a very private ash tray. I hope you will like it and that you will accept it from "Silver Lotus."

Yours faithfully,
HMK Smith

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